Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello guys?

why cant ifind a good guy? i am atractive, have big boobs and generally love things that guys love. I am even open to other women. Where are the good guys? Point ne in the right direction. If you think you can fill the opening, email me. Veronica.vincent99@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Date Night

Last night I went on a first date with a guy. We will call him Mike. We will call him Mike because Mike was his name. We are not going to change his name to protect the innocent because this dude, well, he was anything but innocent. He was an A-hole.

The date started off ok, meeting for drinks. He is an attractive guy and I was hoping we would have something to talk about. He started rambling on and on about how he has done this and how he has done that. Not once during the entire first hour of conversation did he ask me any questions ABOUT me. Wait, he did ask me one question, "Do you know how hot you are?"

Ugg, well, after the drinks I decided i would cut my losses. I made up an excuse that I needed to go home cause I was not feeling great. He thought this was his opportunity to try and shove his tongue down my throat and grab a boob. I almost wanted to slap him but instead politely pulled away, said "No" and gave him a hug.

Where is my prince????

New blog

This is my new blog! I am going to post stuff about my day, dates, adventures and all sort of stuff. I am a pretty interesting person. I like partying, drinking going out with friends but I also like reading and learning. I hope you will find at least some of my blog interesting. i am also single so i am hoping that maybe this blog will help me land a man too LOL